Life is a Ride

Every day life is full of fun and interesting things, enjoy the few that I chose to post about.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

My Little Angel

I am a firm believer in the concept that people come and go from our lives for specific reasons. In that same thought I am an even bigger believer that animals are sent to our lives for also specific reasons. I've heard all sorts of amazing stories where Dogs save their owners lives and horses save the day for someone. Crazy stories but very true stories.
I had a sweet little angel sent to my life about 7 years ago. I remember in Jr. High just going through a really really hard time in my life. So many things were going wrong and I was pretty well friend less for the most part. I felt like quite the loner after stepping away from some really bad influences on my life and was trying hard to figure out who I was and what I was going to do with my life.
One Saturday a little over 7 years ago I was out running errands with my mom and we stopped off to see my dad at a park. To my happy surprise there was a lady there with a van full of Shi-Zhu puppies. I remember seeing this lighter colored chubby fur ball running around and instantly fell in love with him. As strange as it sounds I had an instant connection with this little dog. My mom fell in love with a little black and white dog so my dad a little grudgingly bought them both. I named the black and white dog Bimmer and my mom named the little light puppy Kiwi.
While both dogs loved both my mom and dad and I it was clear which dog liked who best. Bimmer was pretty well my moms dog and Kiwi was mine. Kiwi was such a sweet playful dog. I loved him so much. He was always there for me no matter what. Even when I would get mad at him, a few minutes later he'd be right back by my side trying to play with me. He knew exactly how to get me to smile and laugh.
Even if I did something wrong I could always count on my dog to be there with me. I could always talk to him, cuddle with him, tell him all my secrets. It probably sounds really weird but he was my little best friend. We'd play hide and seek out in my back yard and dance parties in my room. When people would make fun of me and I would come home in tears he would be there to just sit with me and cuddle. When people would flake out/ cancel on me after making plans with me to go do something only for me to find out that they ended up going with someone else he would be there to watch movies with me and cry.
In movies they always show the dog waiting by the mail box or the door for the kids when they come home from school. Well mine really did wait in the window of our Front room for me to come home from school. I remember him being so protective with guys. He only like a couple that I can remember and Rob was one of them. All others he would just glare/growl at. It was a big deal when he would like a boyfriend or just guy friend.
Kiwi while playful and very active was a fat puppy. My mom put him on all sorts of diets just restricting his in take of food to thin him up and they'd work but sometimes they wouldn't because I would sneak him some extra food. He loved his food. He always knew when it was breakfast time and dinner time and he always made sure to let you know it was time to feed him. The only thing he loved more than food was me and then his toys.
I remember going on all sorts of road trips in the motor home and he was so much fun to play with while traveling. We'd stare out the window and watch all sorts of movies and go on long walks. We'd run up and down the hall in the motor home. We'd eat and eat and eat. We had a lot of fun. When we got a house down in St. George for vacationing he loved that too. He loved sitting out by the pool and watching me swim. He'd hang out with me while I sat in the hot tub. He was just awesome.
He was always there through heart break. Boys and friends were one of my biggest struggles. Boys were just dumb and Friends weren't always reliable and could be really mean. Kiwi didn't care if I was a little chubby. He didn't care if I was a little awkward or didn't wear name brand clothes. He didn't judge me for the music I liked or the activities I wanted to do. He would watch any movie I wanted and he'd sit there for the whole entire thing. :)
Teenage years are hard enough to get through and no one ever gets through them unscathed. I don't know how in the world I would have dealt with them without that sweet dog in my life. I know it sounds pretty melodramatic but really he was the best little comfort.
A couple of years ago I decided to move out of my house and be out on my own. That was of course the wrong decision for all sorts of other reasons BUT Kiwi got really sick after I left. He lost a lot of weight and was a little depressed. He lost a lot of his spirit he had. I blamed myself for that change in him. I had cause a lot of familial drama and a lot of tension transpired in that time. I tried hard to go visit him a lot and finally when I moved back home after getting engaged he seemed to go back to his normal self. We had a good 6 ish months to spend some time together and I made him fat again and he was my happy Kiwi again.
I remember talking to him the night before my wedding and letting him know how much I loved him and how I would come visit him all the time and that he could come visit me whenever he wanted to. I told him that the drama wasn't over and things would still be rough but I would try hard to make things better. Silly I know but the way he stared at me let me know that everything would be okay and that he would be okay.
At the beginning of this year some things really went wrong with him. He started to go down hill again. One day my sister in law was watching Bimmer and Kiwi because my parents were having their floors refinished in their new home and the chemicals would be bad for the dogs. Christine had come home from running errands and let the dogs out and Kiwi had a seizure. When I got the call that they were rushing him to the vets office I left work immediately to go be with him. He spent days in the vets office. I've never seen something so sad. He was hooked up to IV's and just cried when you would get up to leave. It was so hard to see him like that. I would spend hours in that dingy vet office.
He bounced back a little after that and we thought we'd have him for a while. The right side of his body was really affected by the seizure. He'd fall flat on his face when walking around sometimes or trip because his leg wouldn't move. The vet put him on some pills and said he'd be alright as long as he took those and he really did start to get better. He started to be able to run around more and he started to play with his toys again and he even started to get his full appetite back... but one day he had another seizure.
My parents just couldn't do it anymore. He was struggling so much and they just wanted to do what was best for him. So my dad took him into the vet to be put down. It was really hard for me to come to terms with that decision. While I knew it was for the best I just wanted my Kiwi to come back and be here for when I had my own kids. As selfish as it was of me I just wanted him to be here and alive even if he couldn't fully walk or run.
I miss that dog every day but just before he died I think he waited for a new angel to come into my life. She's not the same kind of angel but then again I'm not going though the same trials. I believe that Kiwi was here to help me through certain trials. He was here for a short time but he did so much for me. Just like I know my new little angel Yucky will do and already has done for me.
I'm so glad too that we have Bimmer. I know he's done wonders for my mom and has been her little angel over the last 7 years. He's been such a good dog for her and he gets better with age.
I was watching Marley and Me (which of course is what inspired this post) tonight and I've tried really hard to stay away from movies like that but it was on TV and I couldn't help it. I balled and balled and balled. I really miss my dog but I know that for sure I'll be able to see him again and he's been watching over me. :) I love my little angel and know that they are everywhere. Whether it's in a friend or in your pet, they're in our lives for a reason.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

I like to Move it Move it!!!

    Little crazy how this is all happening but we have found ourselves a new home. How, why, what and when you ask? I shall explain. Rob and I found our lovely little townhouse a year ago and fell in love. We put some blood sweat and tears into this place but it's ours and I love it. It was a wreck when we found it and we painted it up and cleaned it senseless. Hard water rings etched into the toilets, dirty walls, nasty tub, gross sinks and even gross carpet. We spent weeks working on the place. I scrubbed and scrubbed the toilets (now ring free) we refinished the bath tub. Painted the dirty walls even fixed a few broken things. I'm pretty attached to this place. Now it's a nice clean town home and people are just fighting over. In the past few days since our home went up on KSL we have had tons of calls and emails and have shown it to countless couples. Makes me nervous that we just gave up a crowned jewel for something less but if my memory serves me right our new home is going to be great.
   The reason for our sudden decision is simple. We wanted to be closer to all the things we do. Work, gym, zumba, my family, all the shopping we like is all in Orem. We spend more time driving places than we originally thought. So about a week ago we started to browse KSL and see what was available. To our happy surprise we found an apartment in the heart of Orem close to everything! I can walk to our gym, we can ride our bikes to work and even to my parents. My brother and his wife are just down the street and we are even 20 minutes closer to Robs family.
    Our new home is also a little newer than our current one. I can't wait to see what we can do with it. I am a little leery of moving because of how different it is going to be. I'm not the moving type of person. I like to find a place and stay there and make it permanent. I worry about new neighbors and about new wards and all of the things that come with it. Growing up my family moved twice in my lifetime so it's not like I was one of those kids that was always used to starting over. Rob has moved who knows how many times just because of who he is. He LOVES moving around and LOVES change. I however am not so LOVING of change.
   I am excited though for this: With change comes new opportunities and blessings and I for one can not wait to dive into those whatever they may be head first.
   We move into our new place August first. Doesn't give us tons of time to get everything done that we need to BUT I know we will manage it just fine. I've loved our home for the first year of our married life and will sorely miss it BUT I also can't' wait to find out what our new home holds in store for us. :) Here's too another great year!!!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Hub Hub Hub Hubbers... :)


Almost have had nine months of a New, Different yet blissfully happy life. :) This cute boy has a birthday coming up and I am scrambling to find something creative and fun to do. Also something small and cute for an Un Father, Fathers day. :) He was so sweet and thoughtful and got me a little something for Mothers day and I want to follow his example. If only I were creative.... I have a count down of... 13 days to Fathers day and 14 to his brithday. Let the Brain racking begin!!!!


Morning Class on Wednesday mornings @ 8:30 too!!!!

Monday, April 2, 2012

TAG!!!! No touch Backs!

Alrighty then! Rach tagged me in her last blog post and even though she is WAY better at such things I will give this a shot. :)


*post these rules:
*post a photo and eleven random things about yourself
*answer the questions that were provided by the person who tagged you
*create eleven new question for the people you tag
*contact those you tag and let them know they've been tagged.

Oh and here I am, no make up, hair thrown back. Just the way I like it. :)

Eleven Random Things:

1. After I eat something I HAVE to brush my teeth. It drives me nuts until I do. I'm not sure when or how I developed this habit but I do remember being little and being at a friends for a sleep over and not being able to go to sleep or anything until I brushed my teeth after all the junk food and candy. I have paid dearly in taunts and teasing for this apparently strange habit.
2. Up until six months ago I slept with on to two stuffed animals a night. Now obviously I have a husband to sleep with. But when packing up my belongings before I got married I really had to talk myself into leaving all my stuffed animals to my parents for all their future grandkids. Although I don't think I would trade sleeping with my husband for stuffed animals.
3. I'm in like (Growing to love) with running again. It has been my major stress reliever as of recent. It helps clear my mind and I feel so good afterwards. I'm slowly getting faster and going further. It's also such a sense of accomplishment. I've set my new running "Goal" to five miles in 30 minutes. I am currently at 4.5 miles in 30 minutes. Only .5 more to go!
4. Also up until six months ago I had never cooked an entire meal in my life. Now I have discovered that I am actually quite good at it. No where near my amazing talented mother but I have come to find a new love for it. I now like to go up to my moms and help her cook. Before I wouldn't have ever even offered.
5. I can't sleep at night unless I have showered. Another one of those sort of strange things. I MUST shower before bed or else I do not sleep. Which is why Camping without a motorhome or trailer is just so unappealing to me. I need my CLEAN Bathroom!!!
6. My Favorite flowers are Roses. Of course I love any flowers really. Especially when they come from my husband just because. :)
7. I get road rage very quickly. I am not a patient person on the roads when other drivers are not being very aware of their surroundings. It has only gotten worse with all the construction going on. I can't get anywhere on time anymore even if I leave 40 minutes early. Bad drivers: You do not help!!! 
8. I recently found out that I am Hypoglycemic. Like I told my mom I am just destined to be Chubby. :)
9. I am addicted to my TV series shows. :) I am currently watching: Dance moms, Make it or Break it, Gossip Girl, (Starting) Pretty Little Liars, Alcatraz, Punk'd, Touch, The River, Revenge, Glee AND waiting for Bun Heads. :) Pathetic I know.
10. I secretly wish that I were like Elizabeth Montgomery in Bewitched. Her powers are so awesome and they would be so handy sometimes. 
11. I LOVE KETTLE CORN!!! And sadly University Mall Cinemas is the only place I like it from so that's the only Theatre I will go to. :) 

Here are the questions that Rach gave me to answer.

1. what is something that you are absolutely addicted to?
Oh so like I mentioned above my TV Shows but something else I'm addicted to.... Instagram. I love looking at the pictures people post. Especially Celebrities. I love seeing all the neat places they get to go and all the fun things they do.
2. what is one thing that you are looking forward to? why?
I am looking forward to next Friday. I get to babysit one of my co workers kids and it's been so long since I've gotten to babysit. I love babysitting and her kids are so adorable. :) I can't wait!
3. what was the best/worst date you've ever been on?
Let's see... Gosh I don't even know. I think maybe the worst date I ever went on was with a guy friend I had who only asked me out because his Girlfriend (Also a bestie of mine) at the time made him ask other girls out before she would go out with him again. I didn't know this at the time when he asked me out but I said yes anyways. Come to find out it's a date just so he can say he went out with other girls. So we went out got ice cream and all he did was talk about this girlfriend (Also my friend) and their problems. We sat in front of my house for almost three hours with him just talking about how much he loved her and their plans to get married. And then to top the night off She called while I was with him and he made me sit there and listen to their conversation. The whole conversation was pretty much a fight. Talk about awkward! And then after the 30 minute phone call he made me talk to him for another hour. Not my favorite date in the whole world!!!
4. how would you change the world?
By living my life in such a way that I would be an example to people around me. I am a huge believer that being a good example can change peoples lives. I think actions speak volumes and when people see you living a good life and doing good things and keeping your promises that small changes will happen in their lives whether they realize it or not.
5. what's one talent you wish you had better developed?
At the moment I wish I had stuck with something sports related. My musical talents are still developing and are being put to great use in church callings and such but really as far as sports goes all I can do right now is run. Whoopie... not very impressive.
6. what do you do with your friends?
Well since I'm on a shortage of friends not much. The ones who are here we go to dinner and chat and the ones who come home. Mainly Rach :), Sometimes we have sleep overs and watch movies she's never seen. Which is pretty much any movie you mention. ;)
7. do you believe in love at first sight? why?
I actually don't. I know BOO I'm a cliche ruiner. But I really think that to TRULY fall in love that requires time. I believe in Instant Attraction and Instant Connections but to me Love is too strong a word.
8. who (not of your family) do you admire? why?
I really admire Mitt Romney. I listen to all the slander and the debates and read the articles that just tear that poor man down and it's so unfair. People really don't know what they are talking about when they criticize them. I think it takes a special person to be in politics but I think it even more rare to find a person who has values and holds to them. While I do admire him, I do realize he isn't perfect. I just admire his ability to move forward and do what he thinks is best and not let what anyone or the media says effect him.
9. what are 3 of your pet peeves?
Terrible Drives as I listed above :)
Smacking sounds with the mouth. Uggg.. I hate that one.
Anything in my house, bedroom, or on my desk out of place.
10. what's one thing that no one knows you can do? (for instance, i crochet)
I Cross Stitch. :) I actually made this cross stitch of a Penguin wearing a little sailor outfit holding a sail boat. He's so cute and I love him so much. I've been meaning to turn him into a pillow for a niece or nephew but I just haven't gotten around to it yet.
11. where do you want to visit before you die?
Oh my goodness so many places. Europe, Asia, EVERYWHERE but I think the one place that I MUST visit before I die is Tonga where I was born. I think it would be neat to see what it's like and get a feel for what sort of life my Birth mom was living and actually get to see how different my life would have been. It's easy to imagine it but it's a whole different thing when you get to see it in real life.

Thanks Rach for the Tag. I don't really have any blogging friends so if you happen to read this consider yourself tagged!!! :)

If you do here are the 11 questions you need to answer:

1. Does your name have a significant Meaning? If so what?
2. What celebrity do you admire the most?
3. What is your favorite book and Why?
4. What is your favorite thing to do to relax?
5. What is your favorite quote?
6. What is the strangest thing you have ever eaten?
7. What are your three favorite colors of fingernail polish?
8. If you could change your name what would you change it to? (You must think of one to change it to.)
9. What is the craziest Dare you have ever completed?
10. If you could be a character on any TV show, who would you be and what show would you be on?
11. What is your absolute most favorite thing to eat?

Thanks for reading and happy Tagging!!! :)

Sunday, March 25, 2012

“If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.” ― A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh

I believe that you can come to love more than one person in you life but there is that only one person that you love and will always and forever and only that person. Sometimes when we grow, as we grow we grow apart. There is one person though that will always grow with you and never stray from you. I found that someone when I was 17 and he and I have been growing together ever since.
Two days ago Rob and I celebrated our Six Month Anniversary. It's been an amazing six months. It has been everything I expected and more than I could have ever hoped for. 
I can't imagine a day with out him. I've written this before but my husband is everything to me. He is my best friend, I'm not embarrassed to cry in front of him, be loud, get angry, be silly, make mistakes and I love him holding nothing back. He gives me the same in return. I can't think of anything more satisfying than knowing that not only am I putting 100% of myself into our marriage and future but he is as well. 
Sometimes I feel like we have it so good. I look around at surrounding couples and people that we know and they are struggling to keep their heads above water with each other. They can't get away from each other enough and they question whether or not they made the right decision to get married. 
On Valentine's day Rob surprised me with a trip to the spa. After being pampered all day long it ended with a pedicure and a manicure. After I had gotten the pedicure and was in the process of getting a manicure another girl (around 24) came in to get her own pedicure complaining to the lady helping her that she's been arguing with her husband all day because she hates Valentines day and didn't want to be there. She then continued to complain about how he wants to have children and how she finds it ridiculous and kept making comments like "I sure hope marriage gets easier." "I think I may have made the wrong decision.". 
While we were sitting in that room and while she was talking her husband came to the door and stood there listening to her talk about how she hates to do special things and how she doesn't want kids. She couldn't see him standing in the door way because a wall was obscuring her view. 
I watched his face and all the hurt that flashed across it and I couldn't help but imagine that being my husband. My insides just hurt for him. 
 I feel so lucky that I don't feel that way. On the contrary I always want to spend my time with him. 
I can't wait to see what happens over the next six months and see how many changes and what trials we go through. The first six months definitely had their rough times but from those rough times we've grown as a couple and have come to learn a lot about one another. 

                                                                                          I LOVE THIS BOY!!!!

Thursday, March 15, 2012


I am finally 20!!! No longer a married teenager. :)
This Birthday was epic! Thank you to Everyone who helped make it special!
A couple of days before my birthday my family took me out to dinner. We went to Texas Road House and let me tell you I will never chose that for my birthday again. I'm not a huge fan of people singing to me but at Texas Road house if it is your birthday they have you sit in a saddle and announce to the entire place that it is your birthday. Then everyone gives a big YEHAW! Sounds simple but I find such things so embarrassing and would rather not be the person in the middle or in this case the saddle. ;)
While at dinner my family gave me some very thoughtful presents. Ryan and Christine gave me a travel kit. It had all my favorite treats in it, a diet coke, and a couple of gift cards. I loved it, something so useful. Especially since Rob and I were headed for Vegas that very weekend.
My parents gave me a watch that I have been wanting FOREVER. It's not the exact watch I had wanted, it's SO much better. It's a Michael Kors watch and it's gorgesous. I love rose gold and have been wanting a rose gold watch forever. I LOVE it. :)
So the actual day started off going to work. When I got there my Dad pulled up with a gorgeous vase full of long stemmed Roses. He gets me flowers every year. He's the most thoughtful Daddy. :)
After that My wonderful boss brought in some packs of diet coke for me and also a Carrot Cake. :) So thoughtful and YUMMY!
After that I went to lunch with my mom, dad and sister in law Christine. We went to Costa Vida and it was of course delicious as always.
After that I headed on back to work and spent the rest of the day there. At five o' clock I left work and headed home to drop off my roses and cake and diet coke.
When I walked through the door and up my stairs to my kitchen I found my kitchen table covered in a huge gift bag and more roses. All from my adorable Hubby.
In those bags were some brightly colored Free runs (I've been wanting new running shoes for months) and some socks as well. I couldn't wait to wear them.
Rob had one more present for me but we had to go get it. There was a swim suit cover I had seen in the mall that I loved and had my eyes on for months. So we went to the mall to pick that up. the guy in the store was nice enough to give me a little discount just cause it was my birthday. :)
After the mall we headed off for the gym and worked out for an hour. For the first time I ran 4 miles in under a half an hour. :) It made me so happy!!! (I credit that feat to my new running shoes.) Now just to get five miles in a half hour.
After the gym we grabbed some dinner at one of my favorite places: Juice Press. A Turkey Avacado Wrap and Sunset smoothie was just what I wanted.
After grabbing some dinner we headed home to cuddle up, eat our food, and watch a few shows then packed up our bags for the weekend and then went to bed. :)
The next morning I went to work and worked until Noon and then Rob and I headed off for Vegas. It turned out that my parents were in St George for the weekend to see the Blue Angels fly. We stopped in St. George on our way down and ate dinner with my parents and had some fun shopping. In the process we talked my parents into coming down to Vegas after the air show to spend some time with us at the Forum shopping and then to spend the night at the same Hotel we were staying at. Before we left St. George that night my parents had a room booked and were ready to come to Vegas to have some fun.
We left St. George a little later than we had planned but didn't mind at all now that my parents were coming. :) We stayed at the Green Valley Ranch and it is a Gorgeous Hotel. :)  We Got to the Hotel a little late but that didn't stop us from going down to explore the place. The Casino was HUGE. Rob stopped off at the sports center and placed a few bets on some basketball games that were happening the next day. We also were super hungry so before heading up to bed we stopped at Fat Burger and grabbed some food.
The next morning we woke up late and then headed to the Strip. We went to pick up our tickets for the show we were going to see that night. We hung out around there for awhile and then met up with my parents for dinner.
We went to Lawry's for dinner. Oh my gosh it was AMAZING. I have never had such yummy food! It was a huge prime rib dinner. You pick the size cut you want of it and then pick to sides. Along with that they give you mashed potatoes and endless Yorkshire pudding. Needless to say I was STUFFED. But it was amazingly yummy. I could not have ever dreamed it tasting so good. AND the atmosphere of the restaurant was incredible. It was themed in the time of like the movie the Rocketeer. The waiters and waitresses all dress up and they actually bring this massive cart to your table and serve your food to you from that. It was such a cool experience. I felt so lucky to be able to eat there.
After dinner Rob and I headed off to our Show and my mom and dad headed off to the Forum to shop around. The show that Rob and I went to was the Cirque de Sole Mystere and it was super cool. They do some death defying acts. They had a lot of action and a lot of humor all mixed into it. The show didn't have any sort of story line but it was very entertaining.
After the show Rob and I headed off to the Forum. We walked around it for a while with my parents and when we got too tired we decided it was time to go to bed.
When we got back to the hotel, my parents got all checked in and settled and we discovered that they actually were put in the room right below Rob and I. How crazy is that?! The chances for that to happen in a hotel in Vegas is just not very big.
The next morning we packed up and headed for home. We stopped for some lunch in St. George and then headed on home. It was such a fun weekend I just did not want it to end,

I had an amazing Birthday, and Thank you to all those who helped make it special!!! I am truly lucky and blessed. :)