Life is a Ride

Every day life is full of fun and interesting things, enjoy the few that I chose to post about.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

“If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.” ― A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh

I believe that you can come to love more than one person in you life but there is that only one person that you love and will always and forever and only that person. Sometimes when we grow, as we grow we grow apart. There is one person though that will always grow with you and never stray from you. I found that someone when I was 17 and he and I have been growing together ever since.
Two days ago Rob and I celebrated our Six Month Anniversary. It's been an amazing six months. It has been everything I expected and more than I could have ever hoped for. 
I can't imagine a day with out him. I've written this before but my husband is everything to me. He is my best friend, I'm not embarrassed to cry in front of him, be loud, get angry, be silly, make mistakes and I love him holding nothing back. He gives me the same in return. I can't think of anything more satisfying than knowing that not only am I putting 100% of myself into our marriage and future but he is as well. 
Sometimes I feel like we have it so good. I look around at surrounding couples and people that we know and they are struggling to keep their heads above water with each other. They can't get away from each other enough and they question whether or not they made the right decision to get married. 
On Valentine's day Rob surprised me with a trip to the spa. After being pampered all day long it ended with a pedicure and a manicure. After I had gotten the pedicure and was in the process of getting a manicure another girl (around 24) came in to get her own pedicure complaining to the lady helping her that she's been arguing with her husband all day because she hates Valentines day and didn't want to be there. She then continued to complain about how he wants to have children and how she finds it ridiculous and kept making comments like "I sure hope marriage gets easier." "I think I may have made the wrong decision.". 
While we were sitting in that room and while she was talking her husband came to the door and stood there listening to her talk about how she hates to do special things and how she doesn't want kids. She couldn't see him standing in the door way because a wall was obscuring her view. 
I watched his face and all the hurt that flashed across it and I couldn't help but imagine that being my husband. My insides just hurt for him. 
 I feel so lucky that I don't feel that way. On the contrary I always want to spend my time with him. 
I can't wait to see what happens over the next six months and see how many changes and what trials we go through. The first six months definitely had their rough times but from those rough times we've grown as a couple and have come to learn a lot about one another. 

                                                                                          I LOVE THIS BOY!!!!

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