Life is a Ride

Every day life is full of fun and interesting things, enjoy the few that I chose to post about.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Life Sure Comes At You Fast

Life really does fly right on by. Sometimes when I lay down to go to sleep I try to remember everything that happened that day and I just can't. There are days I would just love to sit back and just let life go right on by, but I know I'll miss out on so much if I do.
I look back on what has happened in the past few years and I'm just amazed at how much has transpired. In the past three years. I have gone through high school, I graduated early got some college in and have held a steady full time job since I was 16. After I graduated I spent a summer with friends and had a lot of good times, took some fun trips, did some crazy things. Fall time and went and as soon as the new year hit I moved out for the first time. All on my own and feeling good. Soon after that I became engaged to my very best friend and have since been so excited to embark on a new adventure with him on September 23rd 2011. :)
So many things have happened and sooo many lessons have been learned. I have made some great decisions and I have also made some very very poor ones, but all in all I have learned and grown from them and hope to continue on with that as life goes on. :)
In a little less than six weeks I'm about to take THE biggest step of my life. Six weeks is going to FLY right on by. And soon I'm going to be wondering where all that time to get ready for the wedding went. While I'm way ahead of schedule on all the mechanics of the wedding, I might not be fully prepared for what is to come after but I know that it won't be anything that he and I can't handle. Of course it won't be easy, but what in life is?
Life can be such a frightening thing when it is coming so quickly. Every day brings more and more challenges but on the flip side it also brings more and more Happiness.

I hope that as my life goes on that I can take it as it is and just learn to be happy no matter what and just keep going. The following quote is one that I fell in love with when I first saw it and I think that I should try to incorporate that into my life the best I can.

When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.

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