Life is a Ride

Every day life is full of fun and interesting things, enjoy the few that I chose to post about.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

I like to Move it Move it!!!

    Little crazy how this is all happening but we have found ourselves a new home. How, why, what and when you ask? I shall explain. Rob and I found our lovely little townhouse a year ago and fell in love. We put some blood sweat and tears into this place but it's ours and I love it. It was a wreck when we found it and we painted it up and cleaned it senseless. Hard water rings etched into the toilets, dirty walls, nasty tub, gross sinks and even gross carpet. We spent weeks working on the place. I scrubbed and scrubbed the toilets (now ring free) we refinished the bath tub. Painted the dirty walls even fixed a few broken things. I'm pretty attached to this place. Now it's a nice clean town home and people are just fighting over. In the past few days since our home went up on KSL we have had tons of calls and emails and have shown it to countless couples. Makes me nervous that we just gave up a crowned jewel for something less but if my memory serves me right our new home is going to be great.
   The reason for our sudden decision is simple. We wanted to be closer to all the things we do. Work, gym, zumba, my family, all the shopping we like is all in Orem. We spend more time driving places than we originally thought. So about a week ago we started to browse KSL and see what was available. To our happy surprise we found an apartment in the heart of Orem close to everything! I can walk to our gym, we can ride our bikes to work and even to my parents. My brother and his wife are just down the street and we are even 20 minutes closer to Robs family.
    Our new home is also a little newer than our current one. I can't wait to see what we can do with it. I am a little leery of moving because of how different it is going to be. I'm not the moving type of person. I like to find a place and stay there and make it permanent. I worry about new neighbors and about new wards and all of the things that come with it. Growing up my family moved twice in my lifetime so it's not like I was one of those kids that was always used to starting over. Rob has moved who knows how many times just because of who he is. He LOVES moving around and LOVES change. I however am not so LOVING of change.
   I am excited though for this: With change comes new opportunities and blessings and I for one can not wait to dive into those whatever they may be head first.
   We move into our new place August first. Doesn't give us tons of time to get everything done that we need to BUT I know we will manage it just fine. I've loved our home for the first year of our married life and will sorely miss it BUT I also can't' wait to find out what our new home holds in store for us. :) Here's too another great year!!!