Life is a Ride

Every day life is full of fun and interesting things, enjoy the few that I chose to post about.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

The New Life

Alrighty so it's catch up time here, I've missed a lot of holidays and things that have happened.

We decided to dress up as care bears! I was "Care a lot Bear" and Rob was "Grumpy Bear". We did make the costumes ourselves. We wore sweat suits we found out of Walmart, and then cut out big white circles for the tummies and ironed on the designs for what bear we were. For the hats we found beanies with ear covers that I cut off and then sewed them to the top of the hats and then we spray painted them the right colors accordingly. We had a lot of fun making them and even more wearing them. The night before Halloween and the day of was a CRAZY one. The night before we decided to make our costumes and carve two pumpkins. Rob did one and put "Mr. Potato head pumpkin" and I carved one that threw up pumpkin guts. They turned out pretty great if I do say so myself! I also made a spooky dessert for a contest for the party at work the next day. We also decided that night to go into work late and work a late shift due to the fact that work was so busy and we were over loaded with stuff to do and I had a Halloween party to throw that day as well. So we finished the costumes, dessert and the pumpkins and packed up blankets and pillows and headed off to work. I worked from about 1-2:30 and then went to go sleep in the conference room. Rob worked through the entire night and didn't get any sleep at all. The Halloween party was a success and lots of fun. Right after work we had a dinner at Carraba's with my family and then Rob and I went home to watch a scary movie and CRASH! :)
Next Holiday I missed is Thanksgiving. And sad to say I actually put up our Christmas decorations even before Thanksgiving. Here is our beautiful tree. This Thanksgiving we spent with my family. Ate TONZ and TONZ of delicious food. That night a lot of places opened at midnight for Black Friday so Rob and I last minute decided we'd head on up to South Towne mall and check out what they had. That night we ended up getting all of our Christmas shopping done for the family. It was so nice to not have to deal with any of the holiday shopping through out december except for my cute hubby.
Throughout these past three months of being married I feel like I've grown so much. I cook, clean, do laundry and take care of a dog. I wouldn't be able to do it without the help of my wonderful Hubby. He's so sweet to help out whenever I need him. I love it when I'm off doing something and I come back to all the laundry folded or the dish washer emptied, the bed made, or even my cute puppy washed. He's too good to me. He even surprises me with flowers, and when they die he surprises me with more. My table is never without a gorgeous bouquet of flowers.
SOO next up is CHRISTMAS!!! This being our first Christmas there was a lot of excitement for the two of us. The week of Christmas we watched a Christmas movie every night. :) I forgot how much I loved the Santa Clause with Tim Allen and Jingle all the Way, and our personal favorite: Elf. :) We went over to my parents house one night and we decorated Gingerbread houses. We had a couple competition, Rob and i obviously won! ;) We had a lot of fun doing that together. We both have awesome decorating skills. Every year we decorate these and then a couple weeks later we take them to a rest home and give them to an Elderly person that doesn't really ever have visitors. I love to see how their faces light up and how such a simple little thing can mean the world to them. It's one of my favorite things to do at Christmas time and it makes me want to do more things like that throughout the year. I think it's even something I'll do with my own children someday. 

Another Christmas Tradition that my family has that we do every year is we go up to the Roof up in SLC and eat dinner and then we walk Temple Square after to look at the lights and everything else. This was Rob's first year experiencing it. I would say it was a great success. The atmosphere up there is so electric and just the thing to get you in the Christmas spirit. 
So on Christmas Eve we went over to my Aunt Jean's house for our traditional Christmas Eve. I made Baked Potato Soup for it, and it was a success. Everyone loved the soup and Rob got to experiece the full Tanner experience on Christmas Eve. 
Later that night Rob and I had a decision to make. That decision was on when we should open our presents together. Our Christmas day Schedule looked like this:
9:00- Church with Rob's family out in Salem
10:00 to 2:00- Out at Rob's family for the morning
2:00 to 3:30- Nothing
4:00 to Whenever- Dinner with my family

So due to this crazy schedule we made the decision to open up our presents together at 12:01 AM. So when we got home from my Aunts house we cuddled up and watched Home Alone 2. It ended around 11:30 so we only had another half hour to go.  So we took a few little family pictures while we waited. 

I think it's safe to say this Christmas was the best of my life. It was so wonderful to spend it with my family and my new family. I especially loved spending it with my husband. He definitely spoiled me this Christmas. What girl doesn't love to get clothes and shoes and a pair of GORGEOUS Diamond earrings. lol This girl sure does! I'm very lucky and I realize it more and more every day that passes by. 

The day before New years eve I took it off from work, and Rob sent me off the morning for a massage while he went with a few guys from work to watch the BYU bowl game. After my amazing massage, I went to lunch with some of my girlfriends. We went to Kneaders and had ourselves a little chat. After that I headed on over to my Mamma's and spent some time with her. Ryan and Christine took off for a weekend get away so my mom was tending Emily. I had a lot of fun playing with her (As you can see with the photos) and so did our little Yucky. (Check out the little videos)

 After spending some time over at my moms I went home to get ready for a sleep over with a couple of my good girlfriends. Rachel :) and Melanie. We had a lot of fun like we used too and my sweet little husband went to Blockbuster and rented us a couple of movies. He got us Kung Fu Panda 2 AND my favorite Princess and the Frog. He also was sweet enough to make us some bacon wrapped weenies. They were definitely Yummy. 

LAST  But not LEAST It's New Years Eve and New Years. Rob and I decided that we would spend it here at home with eachother and make finger foods, since we are perfecting our Bacon wrapped weenies we also made some bacon wrapped chicken and they were both delicious. I made us some hot chocolate and we ate Yummy Thai Food. All while we watched some of Kung Fu Panda 2 and Dick Clarks rockin' Christmas Eve. Our cute puppy brough in the new year by sleeping and we brought it in by sunggling on the couch and drinking some sparkling Cider. It's been such a eventful year, I can't wait to see what the year of 2012 holds. :)